
Cataract is an opacity of the lens. There are congenital forms, and those resulting from injuries and illnesses. The most common form, however is the age-related cataract, which usually develops after the age of 60. An effective drug therapy is not yet known. Currently, a cataract can only be eliminated surgically. The current state of…

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In the past what we understood as glaucoma meant increased intraocular pressure, which disturbed the microcirculation of the eye and damaged the optic nerve and could thus lead to blindness. The latest scientific findings have shown that the sole consideration of the eye pressure for diagnosis and treatment of possible harm is insufficient. It is…

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Keratoconus is an asymmetrical and irregular (cone-shaped) alteration of the corneal curvature. Very often, this genetic pathology is not noticeable at birth, and only appears between the first and second decades of life. The keratoconus develops through a gradual wearing out of the cornea. This results in a degeneration of the Patient’s sight which cannot…

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